Who We Are
We are a Reformed Baptist Church founded in 1991. We are located in Chilanga district of, Lusaka Province in Zambia. Our primary purpose is to glorify God in promoting His worship and our churches objective is to evangelise sinners and to minister to the saints, spiritually as well as materially
Our Leadership
Men and Women of God dedicated to stewardship of the Word, and Christ’s flock.
Pastor Joseph Phiri is the full-time pastor and elder at MMBC. He came to know the Lord at the age of 15 years at Riverside Chapel in 1987. He started preaching at the age of 17 years and sensed the call to ministry during that period. He served for 17 years as a Deacon at Nkana West Baptist Church in Kitwe, (formerly Trinity Baptist Church). In 2012 he was called to Pastor Berean Reformed Baptist Church in Chililabombwe, where he served for over 6 years.
Danny Ishimbulo got saved in 1992 at Mukinge Mission, Kasempa District- North Western Province. He joined Mt Makulu Baptist around 2014. He was ordained elder in 2021. He is married to Susan and together they have two biological children and a niece. Chilanji, Manasseh and Scolastica.
Pastor Wege Sinyangwe was saved in 1991 at John Laing Baptist Church during the pastorate of Reverend Paul Tembo. It was not just one sermon that brought about Salvation but several of them because he thought of himself as a good young person having not indulged in the so-called heinous sins associated with most young people.
Dan Mukutuma was saved in 1986 at Kabwe Chapel CMML Church. He joined Mt. Maluku Baptist Church initially as an Associate in 1988 when he came to Chilanga for employment under the ministry of Agriculture - Research branch. He later joined MMBC as a member in 1989/90.
Brian Chabala was saved through the ministry of God's word at MMBC. He joined membership over 20 years ago. Brian has been serving as a deacon for about 8years. He is married to Chuma and together they have four children, Tasheni, Mapalo, Maluba, and Mulemba
Aphet Chisha , was saved in 1990 while attending church at Kitwe Central Baptist Church, as student at Copperbelt University. He joined Mount Makulu Baptist Church in 1998 after relocating from Kitwe to Chilanga. Aphet was ordained as deacon in 2003.
He is married to Catherine and have been blessed with three children, two daughters and a son, namely Tulinawe, Malumbo, and Ethan.
Our Vision & mission
Our vision and Mission is in the word of god
We believe in the Great Commission in Matthew 28 vs 18 – 20. We are to go, teach all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy host. Teaching them to observe all things.
1. Seek the lost and evangelize them
2. Baptise the believers
3. Make disciples who will teach others also
Next Steps
At whatever stage you are in life, MMBC is a great place where you can know Christ, renew your faith, and grow as a Christian.

Get Connected
Visit our church on the mid/weekends

Hear the Word
Hear the Word of God and believe in Christ

Grow in the Lord
believe in the Christ and grow in him.